Aunty Joss

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Why we’re Sweating with Pride

We’re taking on Sweat with Pride this June to raise money for Rainbow communities! 💦🌈

Our schools, workplaces, and doctors’ offices are still not safe places for many Rainbow New Zealanders and it’s putting lives at risk.  

More than half our rainbow whānau have experienced mental illness. One in five of our rainbow rangatahi (youth) have attempted suicide. And STIs like syphilis, mpox and HIV are still far too common. Things need to change. 

So, this June we’re fighting discrimination with perspiration, and have committed to exercising for at least 21 minutes EVERY DAY to raise money to support Rainbow Kiwis.

This cause means a lot to us. We’d be SO GRATEFUL if you could chip in to help us reach our goal. Every dollar we raise will fund life-changing mental, physical and sexual health services for Rainbow New Zealanders.

Thank you sooooo much ❤️

Our Impact

So far in this year’s challenge we have…

Image of my impact

Helped to sponsor a year of training for two support line volunteers, so they can be there for people in crisis.

Sponsor Us

Our Sweat

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Our 3 Sweaty Bettys have logged a total of 825 minutes so far!

Our Ranking

We’re #8 out of 100 Friends/Whānau Teams

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Aunty Joss



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Team Members

Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Thank you to our Sponsors




Sandy Wild

Thank you match sponsors


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Sandy Wild


Sandy Wild


Lesli Dodge

You are my HERO! Keep up the amazing work and get ready for a Big Hug soon......ish. XXXX






Sarah Doucette

You are amazing to do this challenge for such a worthy cause. Please keep posting so we can follow how you are doing. Big hug.





Hope you’re healing well


Carol Rampling

I know you can do this. I believe in you. Smash it like last time ❤️


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Sandy Wild



Well done Sandy!



You are doing so well. Keep being an inspiration.



Smile and wave!



Welcome to Aunty Joss. Don’t forget to sponsor yourself and share your fundraising link. I’ve started you off ❤️❤️



Woohoo - we need to start fundraising.


Rachel Board

Good luck Sandy - you are a true inspiration xx



Keep sweating Aunty Joss


Cash donation

From Rainbow Supporter - cash


Victoria Sayer

You can do this Sandy! x


Caroline Coates

What a fabulous initiative this is! Mental health issues are sadly far too common in this day and age, especially amongst the young. A massive well done to you for getting stuck in and making a difference x


Tracy Foster

Keep going Sandy! Xx


Annie Bates

Good luck



You’ve got this


Mark & Michelle

A true inspiration to so many. You’re amazing 🤩



Thanks Jocelyn for the cash donation



Keep going


Marilyn and Nigel

Berri thinks you’re a star. Well done. We need to celebrate with coffee when you’re finished.



Go Sandy. You’re an inspiration.



Mò ake tonu



Kia kaha Sandy. You totally got this. ❤️


Kellie Loader

Look forward to updates my friend

Most people donate $50

Please give what you can.

I’d love to hear more from Sweat with Pride
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